A few years ago I was introduced to the idea that oil could be considered to be ancient sunlight, stored as energy in the bodies of the plants and animals of prehistory. This song ponders the relentless use and pursuit of oil from this perspective.
It assumes that oil is of biogenic origin, which I'm not quite so convinced about these days.
Thanks for listening!
Selling the Sunshine
What's the reason?
Tell me the reason
They're taking the sunshine
They're chasing the sunshine
East and West
They're not prepared to share the remnants of the ancient death
What's the reason?
Tell me the reason
They're stealing the sunshine
They're selling the sunshine
There and then
Had the tipping point arrived?
Again... you assure me things are fine, but you can't see what they're doing to the song
What's the reason?
Tell me the reason
They're taking the sunshine
They're selling the sunshine
Here and now
As the future hurts my eyes
I know that although I may be right, this is lost upon most everyone I know