Steemit Open Mic Week 83 -MANNY MONTES-NUNCA ME ABANDONASTE (Guitar Cover)

Hello everyone, this is my entry in steemit Open Mic to week 83. My thanks to @pfunk and @luzcypher for this contest and I also thank the video contributors @daniellozada and @orlandojosev. I hope you like it!

User @angels075



Nunca me abandonaste, siempre me acompañaste,
aún cuando la espalda te daba me decías al oído que aún tú me amabas
Nunca me abandonaste, siempre me acompañaste,
aún cuando la espalda te daba me decías al oído que aún tú me amabas

Caminando solo por la calle en un viaje de esos donde
Me encontraba preso de mis propias actitudes,
sin que nadie me ayude
La solución yo buscaba a los problemas que lentamente
deterioraban mi alma
Y mi consciencia, no había ciencia ni filosofía
que me sacara de la decadencia,
era la consecuencia de escoger el mal camino,
por mis malas decisiones se tronchaba mi destino

Ya no confiaba en nadie aunque yo hablaba con todos,
muchos me dieron de codo, me sentía un don nadie,
por las noches no dormía, solía tener pesadillas
y las veces que lo hacía era a fuerza de pastillas,
la palabra vida era sinónimo de fastidio,
muchas veces el suicidio pensé q era la salida,
mi corazón se obstinaba, se hacía duro como el hierro,
día a día yo anhelaba q se acercara mi entierro

Nunca me abandonaste, siempre me acompañaste,
aún cuando la espalda te daba me decías al oído que aún tú me amabas
Nunca me abandonaste, siempre me acompañaste,
aún cuando la espalda te daba me decías al oído que aún tú me amabas

Por fin encontré la salida, un futuro tan incierto,
hoy tengo mis ojos abiertos, para poder ver que en la vida
mi alma ya no está perdida. Ese pasado espantoso,
los errores cometidos ahora me resultan graciosos,
gracias a ti poderoso porque nunca me dejaste,
cada paso que yo caminé a mi me acompañaste porque
cuando andaba perdido de mi nunca te alejaste porque
siempre te fui infiel y sin embargo aún me amaste,
cuantas veces me perdonaste no sé fueron tantas
de tu perdón día a día, mi alma por ti se quebranta,
realmente me di cuenta que para ti soy importante,
que para el hombre estaré atrás pero tú me llevas adelante
y a distante de mi vida en mi corazón está grabado
que me amaste sin medida como nadie aún me ha amado
que sanaste mis heridas y con misericordia miraste
"gracias a ti porque nunca me abandonaste"


You never left me, you always accompanied me,
even when your back gave you you said in my ear that you still loved me
You never left me, you always accompanied me,
even when your back gave you you said in my ear that you still loved me

Walking alone on the street on a trip of those where
I was imprisoned by my own attitudes,
without anyone helping me
The solution I was looking for problems that slowly
They deteriorated my soul
And my conscience, there was no science or philosophy
that would take me out of decay,
It was the consequence of choosing the wrong path,
Because of my bad decisions my destiny was truncated

I no longer trusted anyone even though I talked to everyone,
Many gave me elbow, I felt like a nobody,
I did not sleep at night, I used to have nightmares
and the times I did it was by force of pills,
the word life was synonymous with annoyance,
many times suicide I thought it was the exit,
my heart was obstinate, it became hard as iron,
day after day I longed for my burial to come

You never left me, you always accompanied me,
even when your back gave you you said in my ear that you still loved me
You never left me, you always accompanied me,
even when your back gave you you said in my ear that you still loved me

I finally found the exit, a future so uncertain,
Today I have my eyes open, to be able to see that in life
my soul is no longer lost. That awful past,
the mistakes made now are funny to me,
thanks to you powerful because you never left me,
every step that I walked to me you accompanied me because
When I was lost, I never left because
I always cheated on you and yet you still loved me,
how many times did you forgive me I do not know how many were
of your forgiveness day by day, my soul for you is broken,
I really realized that for you I am important,
that for man I will be behind but you take me forward
and distant from my life in my heart is engraved
that you loved me without measure as nobody has still loved me
that you healed my wounds and with mercy you looked
"Thanks to you because you never left me

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