Open mic songwriters challenge week 6 - Special Delivery

Hi everyone! This one is about my two little girls, A.K.A. my "most special deliveries." I use the word "specialer" which is questionable but it sounded good in the song hahaha. Hope you like it.

When I was maybe two or three
It came - my first delivery
A flopsy doll with rope for hair
That I took with me everywhere
She sang, she played, she laughed my fears away
I thought nothing could top this day

At age 13 or was it twelve?
My doll was dusty on the shelf
A cheap electric black guitar
Saved my life and raised the bar
I sang, I played
I strummed my fears away
I thought nothing could top this day

Never thought I’d live to see
A specialer delivery
But even if I make to the year 2082
I know I’ll never see a more special delivery than you

Decades passed and then it came
The delivery that put the rest to shame
A beautiful new girl, who overturned my little world
Two years later I received
The final gift I’ll ever need
With my cheeks and daddy’s smile
Just like you’d been here all the while
You sang, you played, you laughed my fears away
I know nothing could top these days

I’ll never, ever live to see
A specialer delivery
Even if I make it to
The year 2082
I know i’ll never see a more special delivery than you

I never thought I’d live to see
A specialer delivery
Even if I make it to the year 2082
I know I’ll never see a more special delivery than you

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