OpenMic songwriters Challenge FINALE WEEK 8 - Until we meet again

WOOOOOAAAAAHHHH!!!!! Hold the horses! Im here.....gasp.........Im here! Somehow I pushed it to the wire again, but I just COULDN'T NOT finish this marathon of songwriting. CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE who has been in this challenge! I think we all showed just how awesome this steemit songwriting community is, and just what we are CAPABLE of! Pop the champagne and blow a stupid whistle, because we definitely deserve to celebrate our achievement here! I for one have absolutely loved it, its been such a joy to be involved and to hear all the inspired responses to the themes every week, and desperately scrabbling to pull something together each time, and then getting so much love and support from so many lovely people! Long Live the SONGWRITERS!

Anyway, ENOUGH excitable blah! Here is my final entry, you'll notice its slightly out of my vocal register so i could either try to sing slightly too low, or go falsetto, or really strain at the top......I couldn't decide which (none of them feel particularly great) so I just did all three instead! you'll see what I mean:

I was with you in the room
There was nothing left to do
You flew like a dragon through the flames
And now your name will be sung
With every rising of the sun
Until we meet again

Promise me that when I go
You wont be frozen like the snow
You know that I will melt away your pain
We are the same you and I
I will be shining in your sky
Until we meet again

We will meet once again
On some golden summers day
And though the journey may be long
I know we can be strong
Until we meet again

time has played a jokers hand
It locks me in its prison and
then claims to have released me from my chains
but all Ive gained I cannot use
And Ive got so much time to lose
Until we meet again

We will meet once again
On some golden summers day
And thought he journey may be long
I know we will be strong
Until we meet again

U R Da Bes

Be good to each other, and MUCH LOVE

x Basil

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