OpenMic songwriters Challenge week 2 - 'Lost and Waiting'

Its SNOWING in Norfolk! and Ive written a new song for this amazing songwriters competition by @luzcypher and @meno! Check out last weeks entries if you havn't already because the response was awesome!

This weeks theme was 'Lost and found'
Check it out, I hope you enjoy it!

So I didn't realise you could EDIT posts! Thank goodness for that. Now I've put the proper tags in and I can give you the lyrics to the song:


I am lost, lost, floating aimlessly around
Im lost and waiting to be found

When I put my foot where the floor should be
Theres nothing ever there but the deep blue sea
My toes keep dreaming of the ground
Im lost and waiting to be found

Somedays I think that I'll be saved
Carried home on a giant wave
But all they do is drag me down
Im lost and waiting to be found

I met some other guy like me
He said if you're lost then you must be free
Right after that he went and drowned
Im lost and waiting to be found

When I was young I used to tell
The bell boy not to ring his bell
Now how Id love to hear that sound
Im lost and waiting to be found

I remember feeling scared
That One day I'd get trapped somewhere
What I'd give to have that now
Im lost and waiting to be found

Thanks for your support everyone! You're all amazing :D
x Basil

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