OpenMic songwriters Challenge week 3 - You DIRTY, SOUL-SUCKING THIEVES!

Thats right! you heard it! I want my freaking soul back and I want it NOW! As you can see my whole world has gone dark and my skin has turned an unpleasant luminous bluey white. Aside from that, everything is completely normal....right?

This is my song on the theme: STOLEN SOUL for the songwriters competition which is THE most exciting place to be on steemit right now! So much Creativity, So much support, So many awesome songs being written. Don't miss out!

This is titled: You dirty, soul-sucking thieves
And I would just like to apologise for the lack of sanity displayed in this video. I just sold some SteemDollars at a really amazing price and then bought my first fraction of bitcoin on bittrex! so Im feeling that same mixture of excitement and stress that always accompanies my attempts to do any other THING that isn't sleeping or pratting about. With that said, please continue on and check out my new song!

I hope you enjoyed that, it was clearly very therapeutic to me! I kind of wish I had played it a bit slower, but such are the disadvantages of performing in a state of mania.....!

Here are the lyrics:

To Whoever stole my soul
I say return it right away
I had it in the bar last night
But it was gone today
Its of no financial worth
But see Ive had it since my birth
And it adds that special something
To my meaning on this earth

I really need my soul back please
You dirty soul-sucking thieves

When I woke up this morning
I knew something was wrong
I hear my national anthem
But I could not sing along
I saw the flag a-flying
But my heart felt oh-so-cold
Some nasty little rascal
Must have run off with my soul

I really need my soul back please
You dirty soul-sucking thieves

My football team just lost a match
I couldn't shed a tear
My vehicle just ran out of tax
But I seem to feel no fear
Im lying in the bath tub
With the shower running cold
But I can't feel anything
Without my blooming soul

I really need my soul back please
You dirty soul-sucking thieves

repeat verse 1. END

So there you are! Now Im really looking forward to checking out everyone elses entries....its such a treat every week!
Maybe one day I'll get back to that damn documentary Im supposed to be editing.....sigh

Be extra good to one another steemies!
Muchos Harmonos
x Basil

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