OpenMic songwriters Challenge week 6 - Special Delivery

HAPPY NEW YEAR STEEMIES!!!! It was a bit of a heavy one for me......the 1st Jan was a total write off! haha......but not to worry, I can just about eat again today so perhaps I will survive another year! And Im starting the year with a silly new song, back to my old ways after the emotional interlude last week. Its late in the hour so I hope Im still eligible......
check it out: SPECIAL DELIVERY:


Ive travelled all the way across the universe
to give you this little thing
It weighs the same as a jumbo plane
But its smaller than the head of a pin
It smells like fire but it feels like ice
It tastes like glue only twice as nice

Its a special delivery
From me to you
I dont know what it is really
But I think its pretty cool

I found it on a planet with a thousand moons
In an ocean as white as milk
It wouldn't seem to settle on glass or metal
So I had to wrap it up in silk
It sings like a bird when youre frying an egg
But if you burn your toast it does a dance instead

Its a special delivery
From me to you
I dont know what it is really
But I think its pretty cool

I almost lost it way back when I was in
The galaxy ZedEf3
It tried to do a deal with a six-eyed seal
And the bargaining chip was me
I thought it wanted freedom
It turns out it wanted shoes
I promised it some shiny ones
When we get home to you

Its a special delivery
From me to you
I dont know what it is really
But I think its pretty cool

so there we go, 6 weeks down, 2 to go, the CHALLENGE CONTINUES!
I know I havn't really been around on steemit over this time, Christmas is so busy, theres been a lot of socialising to do so I havn't really caught up on everyones entries or given you all the upvotes that I know you deserve, but each and everyone one of you is a flipping MARVEL and I will take much pleasure in sifting back through them all to check out the incredible creative crissmussy output! big loves at you all

be good to each other
Basil x

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