Open Mic Week 44 | zina cover + guitar

Hey Steemit OpenMic :)

This cover made by my friend  Mana  and i decide to post on steemit

I hope you like it.

song name : zina

origine :  Algerian  

original singer :  Babylone Group

Lyrics :  


english :                                                                                                                                                                                      arabic:                

ليوم راني معاك

Today I'm (emphasized) with you

غدوة تاني متمني يكتب المكتوب ونكون حداك

Tomorrow too I hope that I'll be with you

آه يا قلبي شوف هواك وين رماني

Oh my heart, see where your love threw me

فوق بحر صافي بامواجو داني معاه

Above a clear sea it took me away with its waves

تبع رياح الحب وعندك حطني ودعني

It followed the winds of love and put me with you and said goodbye to me

وصاني وقالي حبيبك ما تنساه

It advised and told me don't forget your love

إيه زينة، ما درتي فينا

Ah Zina, what did you do to us?

أنا وقلبي حوسنا عليك ما لقينك

Me and my heart looked for you (but) didn't find you

قالولي خرجتي في الظلام وعليا سولتي

They told me you went out in the dark and looked for me

في غياب لقمر بعيونك ضويتي

Your eyes lit up in the moon's absence

قالولي عليك نجمة

They told me you're a star

يا نجمة ما بنتي

Oh star, you didn't show up

وين كنتي هدا شحال؟

Where have you been?

قوليلي علاش هربتي

Why did you run away (escape)?

إيه زينة، ما درتي فينا

Ah Zina, what did you do to us?

أنا وقلبي حوسنا عليك ما لقينك

Me and my heart looked for you (but) didn't find you 

I hope you like it, and forget to upvote and share this post :) 


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