Steemit Open Mic Week 59- Original song "The Ballad of An Immigrant"

I searched for days and days for a place where I could rest
in the dry and lonely badlands of this country in the west.
I felt so goddamn hungry, my ribs poked through my sides
when there came along a stranger who offered me a ride.
The man said he had some land just a few miles down the road
and a place for me to crash if it'd help me ease my load.
So i told him I was grateful and I hopped up in his truck
thinking this might be the end of my streak of rotten luck.

But as we drove on down the street, our eyes they didnt meet,
til I spoke some words that struck him as uncommon and offbeat.
I told him that I came from a place that's far away,
where the days are dark as night and the nights are light as day;
then he turned his head and looked with a face of cold dismay
and kicked me out onto the street and he drove off on his way

So if you ever go and roam in a foreign unknown land
regard this stories lesson and be sure that you understand;
you need to watch the words you say and who you say them to
or somone out there someday will make sure that you do.

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