Open Mic Week 67 - TANGLED - an original song by @bennettitalia

This week, for the Songwriters' Challenge, I ended up with 2 songs about right place/right time. What's interesting to me about these songs is that each seems to be giving exactly the opposite advice. One says: "go for it!", the other says: "no way!" It's a bit like the cartoons where somebody has a devil on one shoulder, and an angel on the other.

Except I'm not sure which is which 😅

So I'm entering one in the Songwriters' Challenge, and the other in Open Mic. The one featured here is called "Tangled". The other, in Songwriters' Challenge, is called "In the Right Place". Here is a link:

re: "red threads" here is a link from Wikipedia explaining the significance:

Boundless thanks to all those involved in the open mic and songwriters' challenge, I can't thank you guys enough. This is SO much fun!!!

As an aside, if anyone has any opinions on which is the devil and which is the angel, I'd love to hear them!!!

Also: if anyone commenting to this post is a musician submitting entries to Open Mic, please link them for me in your comments? I'd love to hear what you are doing too!


Red threads tangled in every direction
So wrapped up in your quest for perfection
Oh and any one of these
Could take you where you need

Don't second guess
'Til there's nothing left
'Til there's nothing

Oh! Sweet distraction could she be the one
Pulling at your heartstrings 'til they come undone
You could just let it bleed
And follow where it leads

Or you could second guess
'Til there's nothing left
'Til there's nothing

This is the time this is the place
Don't know her name but you know her face
Don't know what she does, but you know what she is
So talk to her

You know you have no time to waste
If there is such a thing as fate
It comes hand in hand
With actions taken
Talk to her

If you could let these knots unravel
Just think of the distances you might travel
Oh and any one of these
Could take you where you need

So don't second guess
'Til there's nothing left
'Til there's nothing

And the echoes go on and on
When you say what you want
So dream with your eyes
Open wide
'Cause there is no time
There is no time
Like this time

This is the time this is the place
Don't know her name but you know her face
Don't know what she does, but you know who she is
So talk to her

You know you have no time to waste
If there is such a thing as fate
It comes hand in hand
With actions taken
Talk to her

And the echoes go on and on
When you say what you want
So dream with your eyes
Open wide
'Cause there is no time
There is no time
Like this time

On and on and on and on and on

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