Open Mic Week 42 - One Of Us

This song is quite an inspiring musical work. My motivation this week was brought on by @kayclarity performing this song last week.
I haven't heard it in a long time and when she sang it just set in motion my urge to learn it and to try and put my own little spin on it.
I also wanted to give a big shout out to @luzcypher and @pfunk for all the work and effort they put forth in keeping this platform for musicians going, thank you both.
Last week I know there were well over a hundred entries, I managed to listen to and upvote at least eighty of you, if I missed you I am sorry and will try to get to your posts this week for sure.
If you manage to get past the first few bars of my entry feel free to upvote!
Anyway, that's enough blah blah blah.

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