šŸŽµ Steemit Open Mic Week 52 - So Many Angels (Original)

A song of encouragement, recognizing the angels who guide and guard my family and yours.

So Many Angels

The Story Behind The Music

This song arrived on April 4, 2016, following a Santa Missa (Holy Mass). It was an eventful evening for me. I sensed the presence of my grandma, whose name is Alma, as we sang songs for the souls. "Alma" is the Portuguese word for soul, and each time we sang my grandma's name I felt connected with her. After our Work, the woman who facilitated the ceremony told me, "So many angels surround you now." Then the melody arrived, along with the words. This is one of the songs our kids request most often when we sing with them at night.

The Lyrics

So many angels
Surround me now
How can anything bring me down
When angels are all around
I have everything I need
Right here with me

So many angels
Protect my mind
Dominating everything I think
Filling me with feelings of ease
I know what I need to know
The clarity is crystal

So many angels
These rays of light
Red orange yellow green and blue
Violet indigo and others too
All the colors of the Hummingbird
And the Rainbow Warrior

So many angels
Guard my heart
Giving me the courage to devote
My soul to continual growth
Elevating consciousness
Lifting spirits

The Recording

I recorded the song a few weeks ago, late one night after tucking the kids into bed. Just a simple home recording.

Thanks again to @luzcypher and the supportive crew who make this Open Mic possible. To me, this is the single greatest community I've seen on all of Steemit, and I deeply appreciate this event's open invitation to express ourselves creatively on a weekly basis. Brilliant and beautiful. Thanks too to all of the kind supporters of live music.

ā€“ @cabelindsay

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