🎵 Steemit Open Mic Week 53 - “The Message Of The Moon” (Original)

A song inspired by the great night light.

The Message Of The Moon

The Story Behind The Music

This song arrived on October 25, 2015, with Seu Luiz Mendes visiting us in Austin, from Brazil. It was another night like tonight, with the moon nearly full, with clouds rolling by. The moon’s glow lit the nearest clouds, and their movement resembled the swaying of a woman’s hair, tossed in the wind. To me, this scene looked like a woman swimming in the sky, with the moon as her face.

The Lyrics

The message of the Moon
Remember your Mother loves you.
She pacifies Her children
Steady and calm with Motherly love.

The message of the Moon
Remember your Mother shines for you.
She holds the light in the dark of night
Staying aglow for everyone.

The message of the Moon
Remember you are your Mother’s child.
She teaches you to be
A mirror of the Divine Light.

The Recording

I recorded this song from home a few weeks ago, in case you’d like to listen further.

Thanks to @luzcypher and the supportive people who make this Open Mic possible. I deeply appreciate this event's open invitation to express ourselves creatively on a weekly basis. Brilliant and beautiful. Thanks too to all of the kind supporters of live music.

– @cabelindsay

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