🎵 Steemit Open Mic Week 58 - “I Love You So Much” (Original Song)

Another day and another celebration. It’s our 6th wedding anniversary!!!!!!

“I Love You So Much”

The Story

This call-and-response singalong song is a waltz, inspired by the love and lightness I feel for my companion, Kat Lindsay, a.k.a. @wildfamily. It originated on June 15, 2016, with a flood of gratitude, and I still feel the wellspring of #gratefulvibes when I sing it. It is a medicine song, and I can feel it working wonders to support my well-being in body, mind, heart, soul, and Spirit. I can see myself growing into this song, and learning to sing it more and more joyfully. I still have so much to learn. Thankfully, the love is abundant! The love is overflowing!!

This is one of my favorite photos. We put the couch on the lawn for a storytelling session, filming a video for the Wild Family TV show.

Here's the show we created that day. It was Wild Family TV Show #17.

The Brilliance Of This Beauty

Before we met, Kat and I floated like kites through life, separately drifting. No strings attached–nothing to hold us down. She coasted from Mexico up to Oregon, while I wandered from Montana down to Texas, and our paths crossed many times. I first heard about Kat through our mutual friend, Erin, who also told Kat about me, and we found out we just missed meeting each other. Yes, we missed each other already. She missed her future mister. I missed my future missus.

Kat and I both landed in Austin. She invited me to meet up one day in January 2011, and we went on a winter's flight of fateful kite-swirling. One our first night out alone together, I remember sitting side-by-side on bar stools, laughing as we read the captions on a movie screen behind a bartender–the movie was Christine, the 1983 horror film. We knew we liked each other real quick, and Kat said, “You wanna marry me, don't you?” I answered, “I do.”

We're overdue for a new family photo. Our most recent one is from Easter!

Honestly, Kat and I don't have a lot of photos together, because usually one of us is behind a camera or under a kid. :)

This boy is Gabriel, our youngest. He turned three years old last month.

We call our relationship this: “A Rainbow Crash of a Colorful Crush.” See what I mean? It’s a love story rich with red-hot passion, bright orange sunsets, golden milk and lemon ginger teas, lush green forests, clear blue springs, and violet flames. It’s a divine union, full of delight, made complete with our three children: Daniel, Rosalie, and Gabriel. I thank God for this life, this woman, this partnership, this family… It is with Great Spirit that I cry out like a coyote: “Howlellujah!”

The Lyrics

I love You so much
From the deepest abyss
To the highest of mountains
In thoughts words and actions
Heart mind and soul [soul]

I feel featherlight
I am gifted and lifted
With Love in my life
I feel fullness aliveness
Wellness and lightness [lightness]

Merry sunshine beams
Mirror myriad suns
On the waves in the moonlight
With one more reflection
The sparkle in my eyes [my eyes]

I choose to see
How You grant me my life
With my every heartbeat
I feel Your vibration
Under my barefeet [barefeet]

Peace begins with me
Being grateful for You
Being great in my life
And agreeing on being
The peacemaker I Am [I Am]

The Cats

By the way, did you notice the two cats roaming around? That's Celo (short for "ocelot") and Beija (Portuguese for "kiss"). They're the latest additions to our family, so it feels right to mention them here too. :)

The Steemit Open Mic

Today, I'm feeling grateful for the invitation to record and witness each other's songs. It is vital for us artists to document our progress, you know. I'm seeing room for improvement here in this song, with a bit of a weak vocal delivery, for example. Now I can improve upon it. I love to think of the #openmic as an opportunity for growth, every time we step up to the platform, the spotlight, and the microphone. This is my ninth entry in the Steemit Open Mic. Thanks to @luzcypher, @pfunk, and the rest of the gang! I'm happy to be here again, and excited for another round of observation, communication, creation, and curation.



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