Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 6: "Want, Want, Want"


Hey guys!

This is my entry for (you guessed it) the Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 6, hosted by @luzcypher! Please ignore my behavior on camera, my face, the angle, basically everything but the music.

Listen I haven't exercised in a while, give me a break! That double chin ain't permanent!!

Here are the lyrics, ya filthy animals:

Adjust the lens to get the picture just right,
Trim off your back fat to make your ass look nice,
Put on some headphones, cancel the noise around,
Take care of your kids, better lost than found.

Capture Jesus in a book, Muhammad in a portrait,
Trim a few preachings so their heads will fit,
Rape your tapestry because you can't build a home,
Keep selling your art, but you're still all alone.

Got cameras in your eyes? You always want, want want,
Is that box big enough? Want, want, want,
Does greed ever die? Want, want, want,
I want, want, want you to shut your mouth.

Spend hours of your day checking your shipping confirmation,
Waiting for your new 'stuff' to bring you salvation,
Make sure you get this or that, don't wanna get left behind,
But how much is it worth if your soul goes blind?

Got some plastic apathy, if you'd please just sign,
Got flesh films for free, it'll cost your mind,
Got sex and drugs and feeling content,
Just about as good as the real thing, huh?

I'm a lock without a key,
They say You've got something for me,
If it ain't hope, I'm good.
If it ain't peace, I'm good,
If it ain't tomorrow, I'm good,
If it ain't God...

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