Steep Open Mic Week 47: Wake Up by Mad Season

There was a lot of crosslinking in and around the 90s Seattle grunge era. Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Audioslave, Temple Of The Dog... they all shared band members. Mad Season is another example of this. Bassist, John Baker Saunders, met Mike McCready (guitarist of Pearl Jam) in rehab and they began to jam with Layne Staley of Alice in Chains. They hoped that being around sobering musicians would help Layne curb his substance abuse. It didn't. Both Staley and Saunders have now passed away early.

There is a poiniency when Layne Staley sings. Aside from his unique voice, his lyrics are often from a dying man who is aware of his own fate. I don't worship or glorify this but I am certainly affected by the power of this insight.

I'm unhappy with how I did this song, particularly at the end, I think I went too hard. It was late, it was my millionth take, my voice was shrivelled, my energy had gone... however I decided to use this one anyway.

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