Open Mic Week 55 - "Only a Dream" Original Song

I found myself with an unexpected window of time this afternoon when Thing Two fell asleep over his lunch in his high chair (you can see him at the beginning of the video clip) and Thing One wandered inside to play with his cars. I grabbed my guitar and squeezed out an Open Mic take in broad daylight, and early in the contest week even! This is an older song of mine which I think holds a good message. Lyrics after the video. Much love - Carl

Only a Dream - lyrics

It's only a dream, it's only a dream
It's only as real as you want it to be

You want to be free, so set yourself free
You're only as free as you let yourself be

You set off, ahead of yourself
Again off, ahead of yourself - you set off again
Don't stop, 'cause you might catch up
Don't look back, 'cause you might end up
Right back where you began
Right back where you began

A crack in the shell
And out it will spill
It's only a matter of time 'till it will

We don't know when
And we don't know how
And nothing's to say it's not happening now

But I got ahead of myself
There's still time ahead of us
Just don't hurry to the end
Don't worry to the end
Don't hurry to the end

Thankful to live in a legal state

Yes that is marijuana growing behind me next to my back stoop. I am thankful to live in Oregon, a state which has finally legalized marijuana for recreational use. I can legally grow up to four plants (I have three beautiful girls). I hope to see the legalization movement continue to sweep across America regardless of the current political climate.

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