Open Mic Week 59 - "Fairwind" Original Song

My lovely sister Lenore was in town this past week and we recorded an Open Mic entry together! I have been having issues with Youtube not wanting to upload this for some reason, even after I compressed the video. I finally got it uploaded, I hope I am still squeezing this in before the contest deadline.

I have talked about my sister here at Open Mic before but this is a much happier occasion and song. I wrote this song for my lovely wife @dillemma some years ago and it has always been one of my sister's favorite songs of mine. We had a lot of fun working up some harmony parts - Nori (as we called her growing up) is actually singing the main melody line over the verse and I am singing a harmony part I came up with, while I am singing the main melody line over the chorus and she is singing a harmony.

Sorry about the poor lighting! Much love from Carl and Nori!

Fairwind Lyrics

There was a winding road that brought you here to me
The story has never been all the way told
But the pieces unfold

A fair wind blew
A fair wind blew you back to me

Now we find ourselves in the garden of make believe
All these actors are lost to us, trapped in the past
Tried and true
Tried and true, mind you
Tired and blue

And the smoke stack sings
A sad song to the dawn
A sad song
A fair wind blew you back to me (Blue)

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