Steemit Open Mic Week 56 - ☠️ Ukulele Cover - 😈You're Always Welcome at Our House😈 - Shel Siverstein☠️

💥OMG, You guys! 💥I did it. 💥I came back.💥

(Way😏) Below is my entry into this week's Open Mic contest.

always welcome coverj.png

This is not as good as last week, but it IS 🎃Halloweeny🎃!


Viable excuses follow:👽

  • I was having a helluva time remembering the words for some reason! After so many attempts, I just finally went with it. 😏
    So, disregard those times and just sit back and enjoy. 👻
  • I'd changed my makeup SEVERAL times in preparation and I was pretty pooped when I was actually ready to record.

Since we're talking about makeup...

I was attempting to first, look like a freaky doll. The effect worked in still shots but was REALLY hard to keep my eyes WIDE 👀 open the entire time recording. Thus, I ended up deciding that when my eyes were closed, the bottom white part made it appear I had no irises! Perfect! This effect doesn't work ALL the time, I probably should have moved less and kept my face pointed up more. However, it IS pretty creepy a few times in there, so I'm saying


I know many folks simply record themselves playing, but I REALLY love being able to use and learn more about video editing. Plus, with a theatre performance background, I'm pro hamming it up whenever I can.


For me, ALL parts of the performance, including before and after are important. It's like I get to produce a mini production every week. 😍 I'm assuming they will get more entertaining as I learn more. At least, that's what I'm hoping. 😁

If anyone thinks I SHOULD NOT be entering Open Mic (or Karaoke) because of my desire to make each one a production, just let me know. 😌 I'm sure I can find other outlets for my weird creativity..ness. 🤣

To be totally clear: I do NOT edit my voice, nor do I cut internally. I mostly just cut a little at the beginning and the end (when I'm reaching for the mouse) and add words and stuff. I'm a Libra, so fair is LITERALLY (👈used as it was always meant to be) the thing in the forefront of my mind at all times.


I bet you're wondering if there's even a video at this point! 😆

You've been very patient. I appreciate that. 😍

And now, in all it's glory....

All images were created by me or from Make your own today!

As always, thanks for stopping by!


Hugs & Kisses 💋carrie signature.gif

carrieallen signature 2.png

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