Steemit Openmic Week 78¨ ¨Voy a contarte¨ (Original)


Hello to all the steemians once again I bring my participation to the OpenMic contest. In week 78 I bring you a song that I composed a while ago, I managed to finish the production as always and I hope you enjoy it. I'm going to tell you

I look at you, you look at me and we greet
from afar you can tell that we both like each other
and you do not say anything, but I already know everything
today I am going to tell you ...
I think I should go out and take a breath
I invite you out and breathe
you tell me that you want to hug me
and that for a while you were going to tell me
and I do not know if maybe he's hallucinating
your voice in my head is still ringing
and I sleep but I can not stop dreaming about you ...
today I woke up and saw that you were not a dream
I opened your eyes and you were there
I know the true love
and it's what I feel when I think of you
and I do not know if maybe he's hallucinating
your voice in my head is still ringing
and I sleep but I can not stop dreaming about you
I look at you, you look at me and we embrace
now if you notice that we both like each other
nobody says anything anymore, everyone knows everything
and you do not have to tell them ...

Thank you for changing lives one vote at a time.
Thank you all for listening!


Hola a todos los steemians una vez más traigo mi participación para el concurso OpenMic. En la semana 78 les traigo un tema que compuse hace un tiempo, logré como siempre a ultimo momento terminar la producción y espero que la disfruten esto es ¨Voy a contarte¨

te miro, me miras y nos saludamos
de lejos se nota que ambos nos gustamos
y tu no dices nada, pero yo ya sé todo
hoy voy a contarte...
creo que debo salir a tomar aire
te invito hacia afuera y a respirar
me dices que tienes ganas de abrazarme
y que desde hace rato me ibas a contar
y no se si tal vez este alucinando
tu voz en mi cabeza aun sigue sonando
y duermo pero no puedo dejar de soñar contigo...
hoy desperté y ví que no eras un sueño
abrí los ojos y estabas ahí
yo conozco el cariño verdadero
y es lo que siento cuando pienso en ti
y no se si tal vez esté alucinando
tu voz en mi cabeza aún sigue sonando
y duermo pero no puedo dejar de soñar contigo
te miro me miras y nos abrazamos
ahora si se nota que ambos nos gustamos
ya nadie dice nada, ya todos saben todo
y no hay que contarles...

Gracias por cambiar vidas un voto a la vez.
Gracias a todos por escuchar !

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