Open Mic SONGWRITERS Week 5 | Wind Swept Shores

Wait till the end - there is an explosion of some fireworks in the background, timed pretty well with the song :)

This week's challenge was for me the hardest so far. With all the lovely Christmas festivities going on, it was extremely hard for me to connect to myself, and find time and space, without interruptions.

Which reminded me how fortunate I am, to have my own sacred place and space, where I feel comfortable enough to be loud till late at night. To be comfortable enough to feel creative. It is something so important for every musician, and I did not really have it previously for a long time. So thank you universe for this reminder. I wish to every artist to be able to find their art temple, not only on Christmas.

Nevertheless, here is the song.

Also, I decided to actually write down notes, as I tend to forget what was it that I played after couple of months.

Good night steemit,



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