Steemit Open Mic Week 49 - Big White Canvas (Original Song)

This weekend a song came to me. Song about finding freedom in limits.

Big white canvas,
thousands of empty pages,
they scare the hell out of me.

Wide open spaces,
high notes and faces,
they're too high for me.

Can't you see?


It is based on my new life philosophy that I had to create for myself. The more I think of it the more it makes sense to me.

I used to have a lot of time and space to express myself and I couldn't.
I wanted to write a book, but the thought of spending next half a year writing terrified me.
I wanted to paint, but when I looked at the big white canvas all my ideas run away to hide.
I wanted to make an album out of my songs, but the moment I started to record the songs did not flow out so smoothly anymore.

Now, I have so little time. I come home from work in the evening tired and exhausted. With this little limited time I have left, somehow I started to create more. Somehow everything is so clear and I know exactly how I want to spend my little time.

Also now, in these busy days, I do not have so much time to think about what other people think about me. What a waste of mindspace that was, anyway.

So that is how - somehow - I found my freedom in the walls of these limits around.

How else can we tell we got so far, if we didn't get hit by couple of walls on the way?


As, I said this baby song is very young, only 48 hours, and I feel like there is a bridge between verse and chorus, but it have not come to me yet. Did it come to anyone else by any chance? The chords are super simple G and C. Repeat

Would love to hear from some fellow musicians and friends(or future friends) if you maybe have some ideas?
For example @melavie @samstonehill @stevenalexander ?

Thank you. May we all find our freedom.

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