Steemit Open Mic Week 47 - Original song: Map of my mind

Steemit Open Mic Week 47

This is my original song. I wrote it on piano, but as currently I do not own one, enjoy the guitar version - slightly different, but I love this flavour of the sound, too :)

I draw you map of my mind.
You can draw me all the places where we can't hide.

Draw me a river, I flow away.
Draw me an ocean, I run across.
Draw me a home and we'll stay together.
Draw me a door that I can close.

I draw you map of my mind.

I wrote this song earlier this year. I was living in this big empty factory, and they had a real piano there somehow. One night, I came "home" and this song came to me. For a long time I have been traveling, and running, and finding myself and getting lost, and that somehow transformed into this song.

Shout out to all the awesome musicians here - you are great :)

PS When I was recording the song earlier today, I forgot to say the special line at the beginning, and now when I am putting it together, it is just not in me to sing it again - I think musicians can understand. I hope it is obvious I look the same and wear the same clothes - its just now :)

Thanks enjoy

The link to rules of competition is here: @luzcypher/steemit-open-mic-week-47-record-your-performance-on-your-phone-enter-and-win-steem-sponsored-by-pfunk-and-luzcypher


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