OpenMic Songwriter's Challenge Week 7 entry - Right Place, Right Time

I gotta be honest, there was some struggle this week.

I couldn't decide which direction to go with this week's topic, "Right Place, Right Time." For the first three days, I did nothing but stress about it. Yesterday I finally buckled down and got it done, but I was sure that it was missing something.

Carrie Saves the Day

I knew that this little number needed some basic harmonies, so I asked my lovely wife, @carrieallen, to help me out. I spent a few hours practicing alone, solidifying my melody. Adding Carrie in was pretty simple, with a couple more hours of practice. Doesn't she sound great? Anyway, the two vocal lines was definitely the missing piece that I needed. I'm pretty proud of the result; I'm seeing leaps and bounds of improvement in my own songwriting skills and everyone else's. One more week to go. Let's finish strong!


Looking ‘round,
All the time,
Crooked sound,
Fallen rhyme,
Played the game,
Made the same
Mistakes as you.
Hope to find,
What I need,
Grope and grind,
Pick and plead,
Lord, I’m stuck,
Pour down luck,
Take me there.

To that place where I can have it all with plenty left to spare,
Friends I don’t see often as I’d like will all be there,
I’ll do the things that I forgot to do that needed done,
Loving that I’m living just for fun…

In the right place,
It’s a good place,
And once upon a time, When I was in my prime, I was there,
Though I might place, In the big race,
All I hope to find, to ease my troubled mind,
Is a corner of the floor in the right place.

Time to waste,
Never late,
Crimes of haste,
Heaven waits…
Time goes by,
Time to try,
Once again.
Moment’s gone,
Just as soon,
Show went on,
Trust the moon,
Waste away,
Another day,
Here I go…

If timing is the only thing that matters let me in,
Let me be the one that gets there first,
To miss the boat, the wagon or the train would be a sin,
To be the last to know is just the worst…

But in the right time,
It’s the good time,
Happiness today, Can quickly fade away, So live it up,
It’s the right time, You can’t fight time,
Right now you are blessed, So get it off your chest
And do your best And may the rest
Of yours be always the right time.

This is an entry in the #OpenMic Songwriter's Challenge. You can find this week's contest post HERE. We're writing a song every week for eight weeks, after which @meno will award the grand prize of a brand new guitar to one lucky and skilled songwriter.

I am proud to have accomplished every week of this challenge so far. I'm sure the last week will be no picnic... Bring it on!

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