Steemit Open Mic Week 54 - Desperado by The Eagles - Ukulele Cover

Oh boy. Here we go.

This is my first ever Steemit Open Mic entry.


First the video, then some words.

Music and Me

I've loved music for my whole life. Choir in grade school, band junior high through college, and I played whatever instrument I could get my hands on. I played guitar for years, but lately the ukulele has proven far more enjoyable. The hand acrobatics involved in playing the guitar are quite uncomfortable for my hands. The uke allows me to play pretty much any song I know, and I know A LOT of songs.

Sometimes I write songs of my own, and I'm sure in a few weeks I'll work the courage up to share some of them with you all. Most of the time I just enjoy playing other people's brilliant work.

The Camera and Me

This is completely new for me. Bear with me as I learn how to include the camera. I have always played simply for my own enjoyment. I used to perform in plays regularly for audiences, but music has always been a more personal kind of thing to me.
I know in the video I'm bobbing around like crazy and I almost never look at the camera, but hey, there's pretty mountains in the background, and @carrieallen's editing skills make it pretty easy to watch.

Steemit Open Mic is awesome! Check out the week 54 contest link here! Come join in, it's great for the whole community, and great fun!

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