Open Mic Week 7 - A Salute To Lou Reed- Original/Remix/Collaboration

It was a wee bit over 3 years ago that we lost Lou Reed.
Mr. Reed was a big part of my life - lucky enough to see him perform live twice. First time was the Rock n Roll Animal tour and my buddy Joel and I were blown up! Then I saw him at a small venue in the late 80's. Wonderful.
When Lou crossed over I put this together - The track is from an internet friend of mine, DJ Jules, from across the pond - we traded tracks on Soundcloud. Then I found the last interview Lou gave on September 30th, 2013 about a month before he died. I pulled some of what I thought were his coolest remarks and interspersed them with my reading of some of my favorite Lou Reed lyrics.

The link is to my Soundcloud page, where I go by BigRedDawg.

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