Steemit open mic, week 47 - ’O surdato ’nnammurato by A. Califano and E. Cannio - Donatello, singing a cappella

Dear Steemians

I'm singing a cappella in Neapolitan for this week's open mic. It's not my dialect but I really like it. It's one of the most popular Italian dialects.
I'm not a trained singer so you have to be patient if I make a few mistakes.

’O surdato ’nnammurato ("The Soldier in Love") is a famous song written in the Neapolitan language. The song is used as the anthem of S.S.C. Napoli.

The words were written by Aniello Califano and the music composed by Enrico Cannio in 1915. The song describes the sadness of a soldier who is fighting at the front during World War I and who pines for his beloved.

I have recorded two videos.

The first one is the normal version

The second one is an operatic version or at least it sounds like one

Staje luntana da stu core
e a te volo cu 'o penziero:
niente voglio e niente spero
ca tenerte sempe a fianco a me!
Si' sicura 'e chist'ammore
comm'i' so' sicuro 'e te...
Oje vita, oje vita mia...
oje core 'e chistu core...
si' stata 'o primmo ammore...
e 'o primmo e ll'ùrdemo sarraje pe' me!
Quanta notte nun te veco,
nun te sento 'int'a sti bbracce,
nun te vaso chesta faccia,
nun t'astregno forte 'mbraccio a me?
Ma, scetánnome 'a sti suonne,
mme faje chiagnere pe' te...
Oje vita....
Scrive sempe e sta' cuntenta:
io nun penzo che a te sola...
Nu penziero mme cunzola,
ca tu pienze sulamente a me...
'A cchiù bella 'e tutt'e bbelle,
nun è maje cchiù bella 'e te!
Oje vita....


The Soldier in Love

You are far away from this heart
I fly to you in my mind
I hope and want nothing more
than always keeping you by my side!
Are you sure about this love
As I am sure that I love you

Oh life, oh my life...
Oh heart of this heart...
You were the first love...
and the first and last you will be for me!

How many nights have I not seen you
not felt you in my arms,
not kissed your face,
not held you tight in my arms?!
But, waking from these dreams,
you make me cry for you...

Oh life, oh my life...
Oh heart of this heart...
You were the first love...
and the first and last you will be for me!

Write forever and be happy:
I can only think of you...
One thought comforts me,
you only think of me...
The most beautiful woman in the world,
is never more beautiful than you!

Oh life, oh my life...
Oh heart of this heart...
You were the first love...
and the first and last you will be for me!

Oh life, oh my life...
Oh heart of this heart...
You were the first love...
and the first and last you will be for me!

Oh life, oh my life...
Oh heart of this heart...
You were the first love...
and the first and last you will be for me!

Feel free to join: @luzcypher/steemit-open-mic-week-47-record-your-performance-on-your-phone-enter-and-win-steem-sponsored-by-pfunk-and-luzcypher

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