Steemit Open Mic semana 78 Junto a ti- Ximena Sariñana (cover @elisonr13)

Junto a ti

Ya no me preguntes mas
no oigo
ya no puedo ni pensar
en otra cosa que no sea tu
sonrisa que ya quiero estrenar
porque a penas si te siento
entre mis dedos resvalar

Quiero verte un día mas y platicar
aunque ayer te vi igual
no importa
porque solo quiero oir tu vos
conversar, analizarte o algo mas
lo ocasiona mi cerebro
o un sentimiento mas

como seria si no puedo respirar
si tu me miras
y hoy no quiero despertar de mi orgia
de sueños junto a ti en una vida

¿porque? tendria una forma de olvidar la agonia
y a tu lado poder arreglar el día
y no puedo esperar
un rato mas

Next to you

Do not ask me anymore
I do not hear
I can not even think
in something other than your
smile that I want to release
because I hardly feel you
between my fingers

I want to see you one more day and talk
although yesterday I saw you the same
does not matter
because I just want to hear your voice
talk, analyze or something else
my brain causes it
or a more

how would it be if I can not breathe
if you look at me
and today I do not want to wake up from my gang
of dreams with you in a life

why? I would have a way to forget the agony
and at your side to fix the day
and I can not wait
a while more


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