Steemit Open Mic Semana 83 "China" (Original Music)

"Este tema lo escribí con mucho cariño para una persona que llenó de alegría y bonitos sentimientos mis viejas vacaciones; Gracias China".

"This topic I wrote with great affection for a person who filled with joy and beautiful feelings my old holidays, Thank you China".


Every year it was the same, camping with mom and dad, away from the noise of the city, I went;
Towards a very natural place, with lots of sand, sancudos and sun, with a stream that reaches the feet, up to the heel;
Each year was the same for me;
Well that until I saw it;
Since then that puddle looked like the sea, a lot of sand on my butt but it was great, to see her beautiful black hair, her eyes so small, and when she laughed, dimples formed,
And that killed me and no, I was not bothered by the sun, because in the morning every time I woke up I could look at it clearly using his mini shorts,
When night fell, I swear it was magical, my body felt panic, when I saw it;
In the light of the mechuzos, I swear it looked better, seeing it was something heavenly and divine;

But boy
Hey, hey, hey, I did not say anything to her until today, I never had the courage, to tell her that I thought she was the best,
But good
Hey, hey, hey, it's time to show you attitude, china if you listen to me, my pretty muse, those days were of light, you filled them with light;

For 4 years it was the same, I always went to the camp, hoping to see her again, and so it happened;
But on one occasion, my lady did not appear, the following year I also missed, and so on until today;
I never saw her again;
But I always remembered it;

But boy
Hey, hey, hey, I did not say anything to her until today, I never had the courage, to tell her that I thought she was the best,
But good
Hey, hey, hey, it's time to show you attitude, china if you listen to me, my pretty muse, those days were of light, you filled them with light;

But yesterday I spoke with her,
After so many years I came across her,
She asked me if I remember it,
Oh lady, if I knew;

But boy
Hey, hey, hey, I did not say anything to her until today, I never had the courage, to tell her that I thought she was the best,
But good
Hey, hey, hey, it's time to show you attitude, china if you listen to me, my pretty muse, those days were of light, you filled them with light


Cada año era igual, de campamento con papá y mamá, lejos del ruido de la ciudad, me iba yo;
Hacia un lugar muy natural, con mucha arena, sancudos y sol, con un riachuelo que llega a los pies, hasta el talón;
Cada año era igual pa´ mí;
Bueno eso hasta que yo la vi;
Desde entonces aquel charco parecía el mar, mucha arena en mi trasero pero era genial, ver su hermoso pelo negro, sus ojos tan pequeños, y cuando se reía se le formaban hoyuelos,
Y eso me mataba y no, no me molestaba el sol, porque en la mañana cada vez que despertaba podía mirarla claramente usando su mini short,
Cuando caía la noche, te lo juro era mágico, mi cuerpo sentía pánico, al verla yo;
A la luz de los mechuzos, te lo juro se veía mejor, verla era algo celestial y divino;

Pero chico
Hey, hey, hey, no le dije nada hasta hoy, nunca tuve el valor, pa´ decirle que yo, pensaba que era la mejor,
Pero bueno
Hey, hey, hey, es hora de mostrarle actitud, china si me escuchas, mi bonita musa, esos días fueron de luz, me los llenaste de luz;

Por 4 año pasó igual, al campamento siempre iba yo, con la esperanza de volverla a ver, y así pasó;
Pero en una oportunidad, mi señorita no se apareció, al año siguiente yo también falté, y así hasta hoy;
Nunca más la volví a ver;
Pero siempre la recordé;

Pero chico
Hey, hey, hey, no le dije nada hasta hoy, nunca tuve el valor, pa´ decirle que yo, pensaba que era la mejor,
Pero bueno
Hey, hey, hey, es hora de mostrarle actitud, china si me escuchas, mi bonita musa, esos días fueron de luz, me los llenaste de luz;

Pero ayer hablé con ella,
Despues de tantos años di con ella,
Me preguntó si la recuerdo,
Ay señorita si supiera;

Pero chico
Hey, hey, hey, no le dije nada hasta hoy, nunca tuve el valor, pa´ decirle que yo, pensaba que era la mejor,
Pero bueno
Hey, hey, hey, es hora de mostrarle actitud, china si me escuchas, mi bonita musa, esos días fueron de luz, me los llenaste de luz

¡Muchísimas gracias por visitar mi post!


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