Steemit Open Mic semana 96 Segundo plato - Voz veis (Cover @elisonr13)

Vos Veis! is one of the Venezuelan musical groups of my time, characterized by very romantic compositions and with a very nice sound, today I share a cover I made one of his songs: Segundo plato (second dish).


Segundo Plato

No te vistas que hoy no vas a la luna
Ay ay ay, ay ay ay
Me he cansado de llevarte y que al final
Tu te vuelvas a los brazos de un patán
Que no sabe hacer mas cosa que el no dar
Ay ay ay, ay ay ay
Tu sonrisa que ilumina la ciudad
Tu mirada que es un puente a otro lugar
Donde se acuestan las estrellas
A soñar en vela lo que sueñan los poetas

Juro que esta noche cortare todas las riendas
Que dominan en mi alma las tristezas
Pasa que me canso, que me aburro
De ser en esta historia el alegado mas absurdo
Búscate otro idiota que te baje las estrellas
Que se abraze a tu promesa
Que te quiera, que te aplauda lo que sea
Pues sigue un animal que ni siquiera se de cuenta
Que es el segundo plato en esa mesa

No sabia que el recuerdo puede mas
Ay ay ay, ay ay ay
Que mis besos que te muerden a matar
Los rincones de tu alma sin parar
No sabia que este amor era un drisfraz
Ay ay ay, ay ay ay
Pañuelitos en el pecho pa' calmar
Las heridas del amor de ese rufian
Que nunca supo vernos ser
Tras del uniforme blanco puro de tu cuerpo

Juro que esta noche cortare todas las riendas
Que dominan en mi alma las tristezas
Pasa que me canso, que me aburro
De ser en esta historia el alegado mas absurdo
Búscate otro idiota que te baje las estrellas
Que se abrace a tu promesa
Que te quiera, que te aplauda lo que sea
Pues sigue un animal que ni siquiera se de cuenta
Que es el segundo plato en esa mesa

Second dish

Do not see that today you do not go to the moon
Ay ay ay, ay ay ay
I'm tired of taking you and that in the end
You go back to the arms of a boor
Who does not know how to do more than not give
Ay ay ay, ay ay ay
Your smile that illuminates the city
Your look that is a bridge to another place
Where the stars lie down
To dream in candle what the poets dream

I swear that tonight I'll cut all the reins
That sadness dominates in my soul
I get tired, I get bored
Of being in this history the alleged most absurd
Find yourself another idiot that will lower the stars
To embrace your promise
That I love you, that you applaud whatever
Well, there is an animal that does not even realize
What is the second course on that table

I did not know that the memory can be more
Ay ay ay, ay ay ay
That my kisses that bite you to kill
The corners of your soul without stopping
I did not know that this love was a disguise
Ay ay ay, ay ay ay
Pañuelitos in the chest to calm
The wounds of that rufian's love
That he never knew how to see us
After the pure white uniform of your body

I swear that tonight I'll cut all the reins
That sadness dominates in my soul
I get tired, I get bored
Of being in this history the alleged most absurd
Find yourself another idiot that will lower the stars
To embrace your promise
That I love you, that you applaud whatever
Well, there is an animal that does not even realize
What is the second course on that table

Good bye!


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