Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 1 entry - Broken Mirror

I don't see
What you see
in the mirror
I don't know
how you feel
but I see
something else
when I look at you

what you see
when you look
in the mirror
it's not real
it's not true
it's nothing like
what I see
when I look at you

Even when the words don't come out right
The way you think is beautiful
Even when the world just doesn't get you
The way you are is beautiful
And even if you think that the mirror says you're perfect
you're not,
but you're beautiful to me
yeah you beautiful to me

there are no mirrors
that tell you the truth
they're all broken
reflections distorted
they twist your shape
they bend and they break
make you feel like dying
but these broken mirrors are lying

High five to @meno! And A BIG THANKYOU to the organizers, sponsors and all fellow participants of the Steemit Songwriters Challenge! May be songs be awesome and the Re-Steems many! This video has been made possible with the fantastic support of @bettyboob and the @allinthefamily family, as well as a flash appearance of @lotje. No animals were hurt during the production of this video.

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