Steemit OpenMic Week 93 - Funk Media - Original Jam Session Nº2 "Ludopatas"

today we come all ludopaths to play again at random, Jam Session Nº2 is our entry for week 93 of the #openmic

hoy venimos todos ludopatas para jugar nuevamente al azar, Jam Session Nº2 es nuestra entrada para la semana 93 del #openmic

Jam Seccion Nº 2- Original Jamming by Funk Media


This month has been new transitions and positive changes for the project, from the integration of a new member through the presentations we have had, we are testing different formats from Fullband 7 members, to acoustic at least 2 members.
Este mes ha sido de nuevas transiciones y cambios positivos para el proyecto, desde la integración de un nuevo integrante pasando por las presentaciones que hemos tenido, vamos probando diferentes formatos desde Fullband 7 integrantes, hasta en acústico de mínimo 2 integrantes.
In our last outing as Fullband we were invited to Simón Bolívar to present ourselves as a beautiful university hidden in the walls of the valley of our capital, we decided to try the FullBand format with our new partner Víctor Ochoa on the keyboards, as a band we believe in the challenges and After only a couple of rehearsals with Ochoa we prepared ourselves and launched ourselves randomly and played our repertoire live.
En nuestra ultima salida como Fullband fuimos invitados a la Simón Bolívar para presentarnos es una bella universidad escondida en las murallas del valle de nuestra capital, decidimos probar el formato FullBand con nuestro nuevo compañero Víctor Ochoa en los teclados, como banda creemos en los retos y después de solo un par de ensayos con Ochoa nos preparamos y nos lanzarnos al azar y tocar nuestro repertorio en vivo.
but for reasons beyond our control the event could not be finalized, we did not stay with the desire, we took advantage of the day, we decided to play at random one more time a Jam Session inspiration and improvisation complemented with a sequence shot with an innovative edition given by our brother leoact, for #openmic this week 93.
Pero por cuestiones ajenas a nuestra voluntad el evento no se pudo concretar, no nos quedamos con las ganas, aprovechamos el día, decidimos jugar al azar una ves mas un Jam Session inspiración e improvisación complementado con un plano secuencia con una innovadora edición brindada por nuestro hermano leoact, para #openmic de esta semana 93

Ya hace mas de un mes desde la partida de @oswave de la banda, admitimos que extrañamos su partida y que un productor como el no es facil de conseguir, le deseamos exito en su carrera y esperamos reunirnos nuevamente en un futuro cercano, sin embargo la musica y @funkmedia no puede parar.

Introduciendo a Victor Ochoa un pianista de jazz actualmente estudiando en la universidad de Unearte, gran amigo de la banda desde hace ya un año y de "giuliano valery" desde que empezo sus clases en el mismo instituto.

Un chico con una excelente vision y preparacion musical, sus armonias complementan al grupo de una manera mas plausible y bajo un entorno familiar.

llevamos no mas de un mes ensayando con "Hachi A" como le gusta llamarlo a @hoscker debido a que ambos son tocayos! y poco a poco el resto del grupo va creando un vinculo con este gran artista, cuya pasion no se limita a ser pianista, tambien sabe tocar la guitarra de cuatro cuerdas (el cuatro), inventar con la bateria, adquirir los mejores quesos y embutidos de la region, recaudar un grupo muy selecto de peliculas dignas del sundance o el festival de canes.

Compartir y congeniar con Victor Ochoa para el grupo es como si siempre hubiera estado con nosotros y agradecemos su apoyo e integracion en la banda, esperamos que sea tan bien recibido por ustedes como nosotros hemos hecho a lo largo de todo este tiempo y estamos seguros de que sera un elemento importante en la composicion y produccion de nuestro proximo album.

It's been over a month since the departure of @oswave from the band, we admit that we missed his departure and that a producer like him is not easy to get, we wish him success in his career and we hope to meet again in the near future, however the music and @funkmedia can not stop.

Introducing Victor Ochoa, a jazz pianist currently studying at the University of Unearte, a great friend of the band for a year now and "giuliano valery" close friend ever since he started his classes at the same institute.

A boy with an excellent vision and musical preparation, his harmonies complement the group in a more plausible way and under a family environment.

We have rehearsed for more than a month with "Hachi A" as @hoscker likes to call him because they are both tocayos!(they both share the same first name) and little by little the rest of the group is creating a bond with this great artist, whose passion is not limited to being a pianist, he also knows how to play the four-string guitar (the four), invent with the drums, acquire the best cheeses and sausages of the region, to collect a very select group of films worthy of the sundance or the festival of canes.

To share and to get along with Victor Ochoa for the group is as if he had always been with us and we appreciate his support and integration in the band, we hope that it will be as well received by you as we have done throughout all this time and we are sure that it will be an important element in the composition and production of our next album.

Phocography and art Direction

Leonardo Gutierrez.

Multi-track live recording, mix and mastering.

Moises Gonzales @amg.soundesign

Shout out to the host of the openmic @luzcypher @pfunk and very gratefull, great Initiative for a space of understanding and good music in all formats. Respect to the judges @krystle @soundlegion @verbal-d @passion-ground @meno

If you want to know more about us, you can visit the following link, a very complete review in our opinion, made by @thexreposts we are grateful for your humble words of our short trip, which is just beginning: @thexreposts/no-borders-artists-review-funk-media-miranda-venezuela

Si quieres saber mas de nosotros, puedes visitar el siguiente link, una reseña muy completa en nuestra opinion, realizada por @thexreposts estamos agradecidos por tus humildes palabras de nuestro corto viaje, que apenas comienza: @thexreposts/no-borders-artists-review-funk-media-miranda-venezuela

Puedes escuchar y ver nuestro trabajo en los siguientes links

You can listen and see to our work in the following links

sound.png insta.png icon-steemit-wide.pngSin título.png icon-itunes.png

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