Steemit Openmic Songwriters Challenge Week #6 - Special Delivery

Steemit Openmic Songwriters Challenge Week #6 - Special Delivery

Hello my fellow Steemians

It's New Years Eve here in Australia and I just managed to perform and record my entry for this week.
I wanted to start the New Year with a cleared to do list.

This week's prompt was difficult for me as nothing really came to mind.
In the end I worked on this first idea I had about a guy who doesn't realise that his love is unreciprocated.

Anyway here is my entry:

Oops! Forgot to post the lyrics!
So here's the edit.


I bought the ring
A pretty one
Expensive, too
There's more to come

I packed it up
A bow on top
I sent it off
Straight from the shop

How could you do this to me
I thought what we had was real

It was meant to be
A special delivery
To you

The address you gave me
Was somewhere else
But you

I called your phone
It said you're not home
This number's disconnected
I should have expected

How could you do that to me
I thought what we had was real

Stuck in a misconception
Yet it's becoming clear
While I felt a connection
All you wanted was to disappear

Hope you enjoy

Until next time

Lots of Love

and a Happy New Year


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