Open Mic Week 38 (original song)

Hola a todos!! A medida que pasan las semanas el open va creciendo cada vez más, es increíble.
Como siempre gracias a Steemit y a @pfunk y @luzcypher por todo el apoyo y la iniciativa que tenéis. Bestial!! :)
Aquí os dejo mi segunda canción escrita en mi vida en ingles, wauuuuuu :))) por descontado perdón por la fonética.
Un saludo y espero que os guste.

Hello everyone !! As the weeks pass the open is growing more and more, it is incredible.
As always thanks to Steemit and @pfunk and @luzcypher for all the support and initiative you have. Bestial!! :)
Here I leave my second song written in my life in English, wauuuuuu :))) of course sorry for phonetics.
A greeting and I hope you like it.

there's a universal law
that says
stay put
and close your eyes
but anyway
the flavors are out there
and if you don't want to taste them
i don't care
i want to feel all the glances
smells and moods of light
the race to the moon started
and i'm not going to stay behind
i just want to live the life i imagined living
nothing more and nothing less
the strange way of my life
the beautiful days
living like the last day
of the life

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