Steemit Open Mic #77 - Valerie (cover) - Breanna Faye aka @itinerantartist

Another consecutive week for Open Mic is a big deal for me, and this is the first week I'm posting a cover - and one of my favorite songs of all time by the incredibly talented Amy Winehouse, God rest her soul. This song has always been a favorite of mine, and it is also one of the first songs I learned to play on guitar. I don't have the same raspiness and deep, soulful, ballad-belting voice as dear Amy, but I've always so enjoyed singing this song and pouring myself into it. The past few months have been a challenge for me, and singing out to songs like this always help me make it through. Most of the time I am writing, but sometimes it's nice when you are at a loss for words to let others words speak for you. Thank you Amy Winehouse, you beautiful being, for giving us your words, your heart and the entire contents of your soul, so that we may surpass the struggles that life puts in our paths.

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