Steemit Open Mic Week 71 - "Unreasonable" (original song)

Greetings Steemit open mic-ers, artists, and music lovers! This is my first entry to Steemit @openmic (and actually my first music video uploaded publicly on the Internet - gasp!).

Thank you to the hosts @luzcypher, @krystle, @verbal-d, @passion-ground, @pfunk, @isaria, and to everyone who is participating, singing, cheering-on, and listening. Our art couldn't exist without ears :)

This is an original song called "Unreasonable" and I decided to publish today for the first time as a tribute to the #SpaceX Falcon Heavy Rocket launch taking place in Florida (Today! 1:30pm EST). History is being made today (look and listen for the nod to #ElonMusk in the song). Praying for all the hard work and dedication to pay off, for a safe and successful launch, and to remind everyone to look into the sky as we begin this incredible journey and advantageous pursuit of intergalactic dreams:

"When Falcon Heavy lifts off, it will be the most powerful operational rocket in the world by a factor of two. With the ability to lift into orbit nearly 64 metric tons (141,000 lb)---a mass greater than a 737 jetliner loaded with passengers, crew, luggage and fuel--Falcon Heavy can lift more than twice the payload of the next closest operational vehicle, the Delta IV Heavy, at one-third the cost. ... Following liftoff, the two side boosters separate from the center core and return to landing sites for future reuse. The center core, traveling further and faster than the side boosters, also returns for reuse, but lands on a drone ship located in the Atlantic Ocean. ... At max velocity the Roadster will travel 11 km/s (7mi/s) and travel 400 million km (250 million mi) from Earth. Falcon Heavy was designed from the outset to carry humans into space and restores the possibility of flying missions with crew to the Moon or Mars."


If I could begin describe it
Something remotely like it
This impossible unreasonable
Unfathomable feeling
Associated with loving you

It's like tap Dancing in quicksand
Not quite the romance of tango in the rain
It's like running in hexagons
And kind of completely insane

It's Like listening to playlists
of only trance, top 40 and Fox News
It's so Frustratingly infuriating
but even though it makes you mad
At least it makes you feel

No I cant describe it
There's nothing quite like it
But theres just something so unreasonable
About thinking of you

It's never boredom , Not quite indifference
it's never comfort , And it's surely not with ease
But is it worth it? I think it's worth it
And I'd take on anything

I'd take on monsoons, Earthquakes in Asia
All the cons and pickpockets galore
Extra wasabi, even drink coffee
Because with love, Mies, less is never more

I'd launch a spaceship, Relaunch a spaceship
Channel Elon and go down in history
I'd levitate at the speed of sound
Underground - Yes, I’d do anything

I'd write this song, get Pharrell to clap along
And do a remix with Jay Z
I'd be a pop star, duet with Vance Joy
Because I'd be anything
If it’d bring you back to me

No I cant describe it
There's nothing quite like it
But theres just something so unreasonable
About thinking of you
Yes theres just something so unreasonable
About still loving you

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