STEEMIT Open Mic Week 73 - "Future" (Original Song) by @itinerantartist


Finally regained my voice after being sick with Mono for the past 5 days (I was literally bedridden and lost my voice completely for part of it), so I am ecstatic I'm feeling better and am able to talk let alone sing - and just in time for Steemit Open Mic Week! on behalf of our amazing hosts @luzcypher and @pfunk.

I've been itching to get back into full creative mode since I couldnt write, draw, or be active at all for the past few days, and all the lack of being active must have been building up because today I awoke with an explosion of creativity and whipped up this song out of thin air. Typically I will spend weeks writing and refining a song. I think this one came so suddenly because of how elated I was to be able to physically have the energy and capacity to create it.

The song is called Future and is inspired by aspirational futurists and dreams of interplanetary habitations and species, fun intergalactic travels, and what it would feel like if global warming really did destroy the planet we call home. This is the kind of song that's built on dreamers' dreams and environmentalists' fears, and turns science into some sort of nostalgic love song for our ears and brains to consider:

How would it would really feel - if we were living on another planet in the future and reflecting back to where we are today?

What effect would catastrophic global warming play on our future lives and feelings ?

If science could sing, this would be her song;)

Check out more of my music on my Soundcloud and be on the lookout for when this song is recorded and released!

One day we'll live among the stars
Remember what once was ours

We'll walk alone together
Reminiscing gravity
Grounding us and giving us
A home to place our feet

But it's not here anymore
No It's not there anymore

Well reminisce the feeling of air
And the breeze upon our cheeks

We'll miss the days the rain came
And washed away our dreams

But it's not here anymore
Theres no more here anymore

The grass the always greener
When you're galaxies away
And it's easier to sound profound
When you're floating out in space

Because now we're here where we are
We're here now, we are

We built our utopia
And made it on our own
Now we find ourselves with an urge
To send a postcard home

But it's not there anymore
Nobody's there anymore

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