Steemit Open Mic Week 79 - Jared Khamanah - Ultravioleta (Original Song)

Ultraviolet has been one of the songs that I have put more heart into when composing it. I have decided to share this song with all of you during this open mic week 79.

The song expresses what I've felt over the years since one of the girls who left her life the most, and in the last verse of the final chorus I say it. To some extent it shows obsession and madness by not knowing what to do since she left and all that a person can go through knowing that her love died and that she will never come back.

That's why in the last sentence when I talk about one of the dreams I could observe him in, the lyrics to the song say "and to see you here this close I think it's a lie that you're already dead".

Lyrics in spanish & english


Shadows invade my impatient mind and I think I'm suddenly here where I lost.
My soul only in a matter of seconds in hell I think I'm already sinking because I saw you in a memory.
And I got lost in your silhouette is so perfect ultraviolet, that I got lost in your silhouette is so perfect ultraviolet oohh yeeahh.
Only a photo that lives in time I feel like I die when I remember you but dreaming is living.
I live dying while I am faking my imperfect body at night alone, it transfigures and I can feel.
And I got lost in your silhouette is so perfect ultraviolet, that I got lost in your silhouette is so perfect ultraviolet.
I got lost in your silhouette is so perfect ultraviolet, that to see you here so close I think it's a lie that you're already dead oohh yeeahh.


Sombras invaden mi mente impaciente y creo que ya estoy aquí de repente en el sitio donde perdí.
Mi alma tan solo en cuestión de segundos en el infierno creo que ya me hundo porque en un recuerdo te vi.
Y me perdí en tu silueta es tan perfecta ultravioleta, que me perdí en tu silueta es tan perfecta ultravioleta oohh yeeahh.
Solo una foto que vive en el tiempo siento que muero cuando te recuerdo pero soñarte es vivir.
Vivo muriendo mientras voy fingiendo solo en las noches mi cuerpo imperfecto transfigura y puedo sentir.
Y me perdí en tu silueta es tan perfecta ultravioleta, que me perdí en tu silueta es tan perfecta ultravioleta.
Yo me perdí en tu silueta es tan perfecta ultravioleta, que verte aquí así de cerca creo que es mentira que ya estés muerta oohh yeeahh.

I will take this opportunity to tell you about a project I am developing with my friend @chryzed in steemit, called "music talks".

The project aims to promote steemit's musical talent and take it off the platform to help musicians not only participate in internal steemit competitions.

We want to give you the opportunity to project your talent and make yourself known in festivals that we have begun to organize, on March 17 was held the first festival of @lamusicahabla in venezuela, in the city of Lechería Edo. Anzoategui, currently we have created a blog that is dedicated entirely to providing information about this project and a channel in discord where we open auditions for each festival.

The project is directed in its largest percentage for Spanish-speaking musicians, we appreciate any kind of support.

If you are interested in learning more about this great project visit our blog @lamusicahabla where you will find all the detailed information, the discord channel and a video of what was the first festival, greetings!

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