Steemit Open Mic Week 44 - Original song "Party Song" by Open Sorcerer afrobeaty jazz breakbeat from Oakland, CA

Hi Open Mic-ers!

Here's an original from my trio, Open Sorcerer, called "Party Song." There's a kind of story that goes along with the song, included below the video in case that'd be fun for you. No spoilers if you want to experience it pre-story :)

Big thanks to @pfunk and @luzcypher for running this fabulous game. We love this opportunity to play for y'all Steemians.

Let us know what you think!

~Jared & Open Sorcerer, from Oakland, CA~







The story behind Party Song

Basically, I wrote this song to be like the progression I often feel at parties-- I show up and I'm super excited, things are poppin... I reconnect with old friends or meet new people, get into some good conversation, feeling the good vibes... then at some point, things maybe get a little awkward and I'm not sure who to talk to, or I say something someone doesn't know how to react to, or start conversations with folks that just don't flow for whatever reason... so I wander off, wondering "why am I here again," maybe doubting myself or the situation, feeling insecure... until hopefully I eventually remember that no matter what's going on around me I can always be me, get comfortable again, and paaarrrrtttyyyyy.

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