Steemit Open Mic Week 78 - ORIGINAL SONG - How I Love You

i wrote this song about 15 years ago, during the Bush Jr presidency, when there was a lot of talk in California about the rights (or lack thereof) for gay people to get married. this is a song about being allowed to love who you want to love, in the way you want to love them. thanks for listening! and thanks to the whole #OpenMic crew for putting this whole thing together week after week. and thanks to all the other musicians on here who inspire me to get off my ass and record something, write something, perform something, share something... in the words of my friend @benleemusic "whatever it is, whatever it is... JUST DO IT, whatever it is..." thanks everybody!

(special thanks to my dog Mirfy for caring juuuuust enough at the beginning and then being totally over it. he gets it.)

HOW I LOVE YOU - lyrics

we should be free to feel as we please
they can't tell me how i love you
you and me we'll face down all of their negativity
triumphantly is how i love you

no harm will know you - i won't let you down
these arms will hold you - i won't let you down

our love will be out of range of their armies
nations will see how i love you

no harm will know you - i won't let you down
these arms will hold you - i won't let you down

thought that you were always so close
thought that you were stronger than most
thought that you were someone to save me

no harm will know you - i won't let you down
these arms will hold you - i wont let you down

this is how i love you

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