Open Mic Week 50 - "Your Love" - jaybird - [Original Song Demo]

Man, I've been trying to get 3 different songs together for the past few open mics and just haven't been able to either finish them quite right, or get a solid version down...

So this idea popped into my head randomly when I woke up a few weeks back and I made a quick acoustic (groggy voiced) recording of it...forgot about it and then rediscovered it a few days ago and made this tune for Open Mic instead.

It's still pretty rough and my bro's guitar (i'm playing on in this vid) is like playing in 10xs gravity! Despite that, I believe that I got a descent take !

Hope you enjoy!

Lyrics (since I mumbled and screwed em up a little)

Your Love – Jay Sussman Sept 8 2017

C: I don’t really need your love now baby
I don’t really need your love

V: There was a time when I just wanted you
For you there wasn’t anything that I wouldn’t do
I took my life/heart and put it in your hands
Cause love is something you and I both understand

P: But when you tried to give your self away
For a time I thought that you and I could stay the same
Realized that I’m the one who’d been
Hypnotized by what we used to be

V: I was walking down the beach last night
Saw your face and knew that I had caught your eye
Tried to seem like I was still undone
But in my eyes you saw that I was long gone

B: And without your love I’m free to roam do anything that I please
Didn’t know it then but what you had was power over me
Without your love I’ve traveled the world and finally found my peace
I can’t go back with you to the past there’s nothing there I need

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jaybird ~

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