Steemit Open Mic Songwriter's Challenge Week 4 - Original Song "Because We Can"

Here's an extremely rough sketch of a tune written for this weeks theme. Unfortunately, time was short and I did not get around to making a "good draft" of it however, I really wanted to make sure I didn't miss a week of the songwriter's challenge. So against my better judgement, I've posted this in the spirt of things ;)

We’re the ones who go to far
Party all night beneath the stars
Sun comes up and we rise again
To do it all over again
Because we can

Sometimes we don’t know how to stop
Cause when we feel it in our bones just can’t wait to start
You and I can go to far bc where the ones who raised the bar
Ya we’re the one’s we are the ones

Since then & now we don’t know how to fake
Tried to lie once or twice and felt it in our veins
That you and I weren’t made to lie cause we were meant to soar and fly
Ya we’re the one we are the ones

Bc we can’t stop
Being who we are
Oh no we can’t stop
Reaching for the stars
Oh no we can’t be stopped
Rooting for the cause
Oh no we can’t stop
Reaching for it all
Because we can

JB Lisbon.jpg

jaybird ~

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