Steemit OpenMic Songwriter's Challenge Week 5 - "Meet Me On The Shore" (Original Song)

Here's my creation for Steemit OpenMic Songwriter's Challenge Week 5. Surprisingly I found this theme much easier to write a song about (than the previous 2), despite it being so vague.

Anyway, I'm pretty happy with the way this one came out. There's some points where my voice falls apart, however, for the most part it seemed to hold up nice enough.

I also broke my first string on this guitar during one of the earlier takes, so I've added in some photos for shit's and giggles.

The Carnage


My Shitty String Change


Meet Me on the Shore – Jay Sussman

V: We left ourselves on the wind swept shore
A place we’d never been before
Held up there and it felt so right
Slept all day and stayed up all night
And when we left parted ways
Swore we’d meet again one of these days
It’s been some years still see your face
I hope that you still feel the same

C: Meet me on the wind swept shore
So I can hold you in my hands once more
And we can make it feel so right
Sleep all day and stay up all night

V: Meet me here just like before
Where the wind blows strong as the waves hit shore
Cause when we’re here we feel it more
And there’s nobody else we’d ever come here for
So pack your bags and sail towards
Where I am and I’ll make sure
That we will make it feel so right
Sleep all day and stay up all night

B: Well I’m trying to let you through
But you know that’s not so easy to do
When there’s so much uncertainty
If you and I are really meant to be

JB Lisbon.jpg

jaybird ~

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