Steemit Open Mic Week 64: ORIGINAL SONG "WINTER LULLABY" by Kay Clarity

Hey guys: I'm really excited to share this song as it's one of my favourite originals, as well as in the tradition of Canadian folk music. It is about the pioneers setting up camp in the extreme winters of the Canadian prairies, and the haunting image of one little cottage or sod house in the stretching horizon of pure white, with no sign of other life for miles.

It is also my first time ever using and syncing external, better audio on my Blue Snowball mic--but all recorded simultaneously, and LIVE without any voice/pitch editing. It's also a TON more work to do the videos this way, so I won't always, but I may try to for the Open Mics, depending on the response this week.

I added a little reverb for the effect of the song, and, yes, will be working on perfecting the whole process so the quality only increases as I move forward--de-hissing, going a little easier on some effects, EQ, etc.--, but I'm excited to be finally stepping more into the essential tech aspects on making great videos! It's a big deal for me: tech used to be my nemesis, but necessity is changing that.

Now--ME, of all people-- I'm a crypto enthusiast and the producer of my album and many videos. It's good to grow & challenge yourself, people! I really encourage you to try new things that you either hate or of which think you aren't capable. I never thought I'd be able to handle and figure out all of the tech stuff I've done. Now I have a new album available as a result of just TRYING.

From my heart to yours. Thanks to all making the Open Mic such a success.. It is such an amazing thought of sending up our own little music industry here, and giving so many artists a real platform where they can share. Lyrics below!

Winter Lullaby

Winter's long, my dear
The snows just pile and pile
Winter's long, my dear
So sleep and sleep a while

A warm, little cottage in the wide, stretching white
Holds a babe and a mother in the thickness of night
Mama holds her little one safe
And every night she sings

Winter's long, my dear
The snows just pile and pile
Winter's long, my dear
So sleep and sleep a while

The sun creeps up at half past eight
And won't stay long past four
At the close of each, short, solemn day
She holds her babe and sings

Winter's long, my dear
The snows just pile and pile
Winter's long, my dear
So sleep and sleep a while

The night wind whistles days gone by
Long-covered in the snows
All else, so still, waits patiently
For spring, while mama sings

Winter's long, my dear
The snows just pile and pile
Winter's long, my dear
So sleep and sleep a while

Winter's long, my dear
The snows just pile and pile
Winter's long, my dear
So sleep and sleep a while

Copyright 2017

Want to hear more music or get this song? It's available, with more of my songs, for streaming and purchase here.


Thanks for following @kayclarity if you enjoy posts about beauty, art, culture, life, Steemit, and, of course, my original music and poems.

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