Steemit openmic week 91 'original song' --- MY BAD

It's no secret these days that every single song I write has a love angle to it right? Truth is, the subject of love is too vast to put it all into one song.

They say that fights make relationships stronger, but we all know that some people are eternally scarred and never find their way back to how it once was. You do not always have to let the fights between you and your loved one escalate that bad.

Sometimes all you need to do besides saying I FORGIVE YOU, is to pull the person closer and hold on to them tightly. This form of reassurance can give one hope in a love that cannot be lost.

Let us not be too hardened to harken to the plea of a lover, brother, sister, father e.t.c who has erred.

I made you cry, made those tears leave your eyes
I caused the hurt that you now feel inside
I bore the hole through which trust seeped away
I tore the veil that had clothed our love

And I will say I'm sorry
If you will only have me

Hold me, tell me
It's okay
Cause I need your love back

yours truly @klynic


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