OpenMic Songwriters Challenge Week # 1!! Limabeing~ Cyborg Heart

Because I'm extra n can't help myself.
I drew this while tune was uploading on youtube for 30 mins.

FOLKS, I ain't got no good recordin stuff.
But heres muh lil country-blues-rappy-ditty submission and the lyrics.

I'd like to take this time to thank my sponsor-

okay so its "small" ya know "only 30-51 cents depending on my VP, thats ALL.
*runs in circles* *stops* *faints* *laughs manaically*
But yea she gave me 5k delegation ( i think) and ALSO @MenO gave me 250 Delegation cuz he's the shiznit to. Basically I can make it rain quarters. Well, one to two at a time. :D and I will. I'm looking for YOU amazing humans/minnows/dolphins. If you support women, have amazing things to say about gender/sexuality/socialjustice, or have some amazing talent and otherwise aren't a jerky--- DM me the links in discord. I will review it and either give suggestions or upvote 50-100 %. Well written and or researched /complex/deep/insightful works will be highly favored. Yes, women will be highly favored but dont think I won't consider males, genderless, genderqueer folks. ESP. I would love to support talented folks from the Afro/Latinx Diaspora (English ONly)

ANyway. Heres my song about my  crazy family and how they passed the crazy on to me. It cuts off because I ran out of space. SORRY. Best i could do.

~~**LIMABEING CYBORG HEART #openmicsongwriting challenge wk1**~~ Heres a little tattle tale of bruised ego battle fails-- of a freaking dad impaled
and a momma who took no shit
they l0ved, exploded, wailed-- felt like they was reading braile  into each others souls they sailed--
but momma still took no shit
Daddy liked his drinking cuz he had a crooked blinker==lights were flashin he was leavin..
n momma handled it. SHE SAID
~~~ Some days I get real wild in my eyes. 

Wanna give up chasing paper n run into the night 

But its these broken mirrors, shattered shards just cuttin me inside~~
inside my ticking tacky cyborg heart
my cyborg heart, yea my cyborg heart. Cuz its been pulled a part..
just my cyborg heart

yep they had a baby n she went a little crazy--- taking psychedelic daisies til she papered all the paisleys__ baby girl could barely handle shit
if she kept one foot in maybe she could slow her racing pacing all the freckles growing daily eating ham and mayonnaise SHE
neva knew she couldn't handle shit
Daddy dropped the marbles n STEP was awful horrible so the boys were pretty startled
she said I TAKE NO SHIT.   :shrug:
Yeah some days I get real wild in my eyes== wanna give up chasing paper run into the night
but since your broken mirrors shattered shards cut inside my--- my crazy ticking cyborg heart . My cyborg heart.. just my cyborg heart
--- video cuts of here but this was meant to go___ 

scat,  whistle  (stay tuned for that when i get better equipment)

bridge- chorus

Love From THe CYborg Feminist of Steemitlandia,
Capn Girl Powa AKA @limabeing on discord limabeing#2123


NOTE: I did not say openmic songwriting challenge!! :( because I'm new to this a!! I hope you wont dock me too many points.

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