STEEMIT OPEN MIC WEEK 43 | 🔥 Fuego Sagrado - Lisa Mallet | Original Song

Hi Steemians!

This is my participation for the OPEN MIC WEEK 43

I'm glad to present you an original song called "Fuego Sagrado".


This song is a tribute to fire.

It can be a campfire, the fire of the sun, the fire burning inside each of us.
The fire is everywhere, in everyone.

Going to South America, I started to see the fire in an another way.

There, the people give it a special importance, it is more present in the everyday life.
The fire is used to cook, to warm up the cold nights, to warm the water to have a shower...

During the ceremonies of the ancestral people, it's the central element that binds the group.

I think that in Europe we have been disconnected from the primary elements, however essential to our survival.

So this song reminds us that the fire is present everywhere and for me like a kind of sacred figure.

Lyrics / Letras :

Fuego Sagrado tu fuerza infinita
Cuando el calor se va en el cielo obscuro
El Grande Espiritu esta llamando
El encuentro con la Luz
Grito del profundo

Oh Fuego Oh Fuego
Sagrado Sagrado...

Dentro de tu cuerpo yo puedo mirar
El functionaniento del sistema solar
Abrir las puertas de las conciencias
Mirar la fuerza Naturaleza

Oh Fuego Oh Fuego
Sagrado Sagrado...


Fuego Fuego calienta los corazones
Fuego Fuego Fuego de la salvacion
Fuego baja tu presencia divina para que me cure el alma
Fuego Fuego Padre de la galaxia que me cuida cuida como su propria nina
Calentito centro del planeta
Llama llama la energia pura
El olor del humo me recuerda las noches bajo las estrellas
El calor de tu luz que me hace amar el Fuego interno que tiene cada uno


I wrote this song when I was traveling in Argentina in march 2012.
Then I wrote the second part (the ragga) a few months later in Brazil (the 12/12/2012).

So people I hope you like this simple song out of my heart 😊

Thank you for upvoting!

With Warm Love,


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