Open Mic Week 84 - Lisa & Rhavi | Enrola Bola (Original Song)

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We are here again with @rhavi for this OPEN MIC WEEK 84 with a brazilian original song called “Enrola Bola”


I wrote this song in 2015, after we met with a special girl in Pipa (RN), Brazil.
I’ve never recorded this song before... So! It’s a song for her.

Here is the video:

I’ll make some translation for the lyrics for you to understand what was my feeling when I wrote it:

English translation

I think I know how this story will end
I’ve already noticed the shade of the cloud passing
You’re kidding me liying on the bed
Illusion doesn’t let me breathe
My sorrow was to believe
In the beauty of a love
That can’t exist without a pain

A flower so beautiful wich doesn’t let itself smell
This mermaid without remorse is going to escape to sea
She enchants me, kissing me, my soul is alive
I wanted to be able to desire you without fighting
My sorrow was to decorate
The hardness of this love
Under the light of a warmless moon


Letras em Português

Acho que eu sei como essa historia vai acabar
Já reparei a sombra da nuvem passar
Enrola, bola e deita na cama
Ilusão não me deixa respirar
Minha dor foi de acreditar
Na beleza de um amor
Que não pode existir sem dor

Uma flor tão bela que não se deixa respirar
Essa sereia sem remorço vai fugir pro mar
Me encanta, me beija, minha alma viva
Eu queria te desejar sem lutar
Minha dor foi de enfeitar
A dureza deste amor
Na luz de uma lua sem calor

I hope you liked this song, is special for me 💘

Thank you so much for your support!

With Love,


Also on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube 😘

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