Open mic week #64 - Original song - Lies


Hello!, this is my entry for openmic songwriters challenge week #4!!

This was a difficult one to make! I made it for the open mic's songwriters challenge here on steemit , it is hosted by @luzcypher, so please show him some love!, and also I have to give a shout out to @meno for sponsoring that contest, you can win a beautiful acoustic guitar and it's all because of him!!

Also I have to send some love to the whole openmic team!
@jessamynorchard, @soundlegion, @krystle, @verbal-d, and @passion-ground for all the work you put in every week!!

To @ausbitbank and @xedal and @pfunk for your generosity!

And to everyone that takes the time to listen and comment!!
:D :D :D

This contest has really inspired me to work hard as a songwriter and prove to myself that I can do the work when the work needs doing, that alone is a priceless gift that I wouldn't have any other way! I usually write with my bands as a team, but being able to do this on my own feels incredible as well, it makes me feel like a creator!!

I spent all week playing my guitar trying to write and nothing was coming out (that I liked hehe). Today was the same, but then I took some time to listen to some music that I hadn't heard before and boom, out came the song haha!!!

This is a really late entry and I apologize for that, I will do better next time :)

This song is about those moments when you convince yourself that you can't do something before even giving it a try, about feeling down and how that's mostly stuff we do to ourselves.

Here are the lyrics:

So far
seems engraved within my veins

with me
so I wonder what it will take

sweat pours
I bleed
Tears come streaming down my face

but the truth is too cold to face

I've been telling myself
that it's too hard
so I won't try
I've been telling myself....

I wake up
to the sound of that brand new day

I'll deal
with my mistakes
now I know that's what it takes


I've been telling myself
that it's too hard
so I won't try

I've been telling myself
that it's alright
when I don't try (x2)

Lies I tell myself
because I can
Because I can

Lies we tell ourselves
because we can
because we can

I hope you like it!

Til my next post

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