SteemIt Open Mic Week 44 Original Song Freedom by Mark Shepard Open Mic Week 44, Original Song #312 by Mark Shepard, "Freedom"

Thank you so much for watching and interacting and all of that stuff that makes such a huge, positive difference in finally getting these songs out into the world where they can do some good!

  • Mark Shepard, The Singing Hypnotist

p.s. here are the lyrics if you're a "word" guy or gal!

Freedom (It’s A long Road)

Song #312 | 12/12/2000 | Recorded August 1, 2017

Freedom is a word
That is very often heard
But just as often much misunderstood
It might mean nothing left to lose
Or that you get to choose
Between two leaders, neither of them good

It could mean you have got no plans
Or that you cut loose when you dance
It might mean you got the guts to speak your mind
It could mean you have no regrets,
Beliefs, possessions, pets
Or that you always pay your bills on time

It’s been a long road
That I’ve been walking down
That I’ve been lost and found on
It’s been a long road
That I’ve been walking down
But now I hear the sounds of…

I choose not to be a slave
To the assumptions you have made
And I accept the consequences of my choice
I will make my own mistakes
I will find out what it takes
From now on I will heed my inner voice

I pledge allegiance to my self
For the sake of my own health
Not a country or a point of view
If I declare myself to be
A human being free
Well you know, that gives your freedom back to you


Bridge: Freedom. Freedom.(X2)

Freedom is a bird
That is seldom seen or heard
But still it rises up on falcon’s wings
And when it bursts up into flight
With it’s feathers full of light
It fills my heart with joy to hear it sing…

Copyright 2000-2017 by Mark Shepard. All Rights Reserved. Used by permission.

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